Black Lives Matter

As we find ourselves on Juneteenth in what is the third week of protests across the US, and around the world, the need for unabashed and unwavering support is more important now than ever. The community and compassion that has sprung forward from this moment has been awe inspiring and the camaraderie and solidarity many communities have shown for their members has been incredibly moving. We have seen anti-racism and Black Lives Matter protests here in NYC and across the globe in a remarkable show of solidarity and humanitarian idealism that none of us have ever seen before at this scale.

We’re experiencing a beautiful moment born of a collective concern and outcry for human rights. We thirst for the justice we wish to see in the world domestically and abroad and our hearts are heavy as we witness the myriad ways injustices manifest. Women in Data was created with the intention of bringing people together from all walks of life, in the sincere and collective effort of democratizing the field of data to all that hear the call toward it. Equality is at the forefront of our mission. We joined as chapter leads because we wanted to be a part of this effort and we will not allow racism, injustice, oppression or ignorance in our community. We encourage you to read the Women in Data statement of solidarity here.

We extend our most heartfelt empathy to those protesting the racial inequality and police brutality we see against persons of color in the United States and beyond. It’s time to treat structural racism with the urgency it requires and to strive to create a culture that embraces all of the ideals of a truly free society; one that grants all its citizens physical, political, legal, economic, environmental and emotional safety and liberty. We must keep fighting structural racism and we must be relentless in supporting organizations promoting racial justice and dismantling white supremacy.

If you have suggestions for how Women in Data can support you,  let us know. We are fortunate to have this community and to create a safe space for women of all walks of life to explore, create and collaborate. If you want to be a part of a safe space where we welcome all kinds of conversations and suggestions, please join our slack channel. If you want to educate yourself and your community on how you can use data to fight injustice, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Please know that we are here in this community to find ways to support you better. 

Let’s build our future together.

Irene and Anne

NYC Chapter Co-Leads 


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